Fractal architecture
13:30 - 14:30
Why is software development so difficult? A major reason is that you spend more time reading than writing code. If you can decrease the time required to read existing code, you can increase productivity.
You can decrease the time you waste reading complicated code by writing code that's easy to read - code that fits in your head. Code should fit in your head at all levels of abstraction. At the entry point, at the business logic level, and at the lowest levels of detail. This is fractal architecture - code that is organised according to that principle of self-similarity. Key to achieve fractal architecture are encapsulation, aggressive thresholds, and referential transparency. Code examples will be in C# - written in a style also readable to developers working in Java, TypeScript, C++, etc.
Mark Seemann
Mark Seemann is a Danish software developer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. His professional interests include functional programming, object-oriented development, as well as software development in general. Apart from writing two books: Dependency Injection and Code That Fits in Your Head: Heuristics for Software Engineering (Robert C. Martin Series) he has also created several Pluralsight courses, videos for Clean Coders, and written numerous articles and blog posts about programming.
Originally poised to become a rock star or (failing that) graphic novelist (in the European tradition) he one day found himself with insufficient talent for either, a master’s degree in Economics, and a desire for working with computers. He has been doing the latter intermittently since 1995. When not working with software or spending time with his family, Mark enjoys reading, listening to and playing music, as well as preparing or consuming gourmet food and wine.